Women’s Custom Made Wallets
Select women’s custom wallets in beautiful and eye-catching designs that include clutch wallets, wristlets, string
wallets, money clips, and coin wallets among several others.
Manufacturing Services
Kiwi enterprises are leading manufacturers of premium women’s custom leather wallet and footwear. Our products include high-quality custom leather wallet for women and must-have fashion accessories like leather shoes and leather bags. We have more than quarter century expertise in manufacturing women’s custom leather wallet and accessories, crafting bespoke shoes, designing knowhow and consultation, creating prototypes and samples from tech packs provided and end to end shoe manufacturing. We supply women’s custom leather wallet and accessories in bulk for wholesale requirements.
How Women’s Custom Wallets Are Made
A unique but functional wallet is a perfect fashion accessory. Our team of in-house designers in consultation with leather technicians create the designs, prototypes, and suggest accessories like logo material and inner lining for premium leather wallets for men and women. Our leather technicians then provide their inputs and finalize the designs.

After the design is finalized, the leather selected is cut into ‘Patterns’. A pattern has marks showing the location of details such as slots and stitches for compartments and coin pouches. The pattern is used to transfer the marks onto the leather with a scratch awl, a sharp knife, and sophisticated cutting machines. All these lead to intricately cut required leather pieces for creating high-quality premium leather wallets.
The cut pieces of leather should have a uniform tone. Due to thinning of leather at the edges for stitching, they have to be colored again. This is achieved through using premium edge painting machines specifically designed for this purpose. This well-defined edge painting elevates and refines the overall look of the finished product.

Beautiful and detailed stitching is the real sign of genuine craftsmanship. The stitching should be perfectly even and visible only by design. Hand stitching by our expert craftsmen combined with state-of-the-art machinery achieves this to create the finest quality leather wallets with luxurious inner lining perfectly integrated with the wallet.
In this process, the final product takes shape. The wallets are sent to the ‘Finishing Room’ where these are minutely checked and last-minute alterations if necessary are made and the wallets polished and burnished as per the style. Now the finished product is ready for packing.

Wallets are sorted according to their design and color. Now, these are tagged, packed, and branded as per the specifications, and sent to the warehouse for storing and shipping.

Kiwi – Women’s Custom Wallet Services
Buy From Us
Give Us Your Design
Design From Scratch
Packaging & Branding Support
Get in Touch
Please contact us if you want to purchase high-quality leather footwear and accessories or if you are a private label brand and want to start a new collection. Get in touch through email or contact us directly through the contact number given below.